Engage and empower our members and mentor the leaders of tomorrow
Offer local training for unit leaders
Encourage attendance at Peralta District and California State PTA events
Support and mentor local unit leaders
Inform members and the public on issues relating to the education, health, safety and well-being of all youth
Maintain PTA channels of communication
Encouraging units to communicate more effectively with their members
Explore methods of communication to broaden access, increase effectiveness, and maximize efficiency
Share with units legislative updates that affect children and education
Strengthen PTA's voice for all children by increasing membership
Promote the purposes and benefits of PTA
Encourage and train units to conduct membership campaigns and programs
Encourage the formation of new PTA units in Pleasanton
Encourage units to be inclusive and encourage diversity
Promote meaningful family engagement to foster positive outcomes for every child
Support and encourage a quality educational experience for all children
Encourage and support arts in education
Encourage and support excellent educators
Collaborate with PUSD, the City of Pleasanton and community members on parent education opportunities